~Blog Theme Verse!~

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

-1 Corinthians 10:31

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Six Flags!

First off, I want to make things clear, concise, and to a simple point:


Now that I said was on most of our minds, I'll get a little more detailed:


Okay, now for real, I'll tell ya what it was like. Here's a little thingajig I wrote up:

I enter the huge gates, almost unaware of all the noise and commotion around me. My very eyes blur as I slowly realize I am being dragged along on my first rollercoaster, the terrifying, gigantic, white, "WILD ONE." Outside I'm smiling and cheerful, but my mind is screaming with all it's might, "NOOOOO!!!!!" I sit down onto a chair and force my shaking body to strap myself into what I am sure will lead me to my death. The coaster starts a slow turn up and begins climbing up a gigantic hill. The chain pulling the coaster and me up to our doom makes a menacing rattling noise, as if it chuckles in my death throes. To my despair, a friend next to me says, "This is gonna be AWESOME!"

I'm at the top. I start to go down. The world blurs as I shoot down like a bullet admist the shouts of joy from my friends and my terrified scream from me. Twists, turns and bumps complete the horrifying array of the G-Force inflicting track. In a complete daze, I realize the rollercoaster came to a complete stop. It's over. I unbuckle my belt, lift my restrainer, and jump of the rollercoaster.


Okay, that's a slight exxageration, but whateva and whatnot. I conquered every single ride at six flags including superman, joker's jinx, mind eraser (whoo, that has a weird name for a reason! My head STILL hurts!), Batwing (AWESOOMMEE! Me and stevo did a debate over whether the moon is made out of green cheese while on that one. I totally won.), the Wild One, the roar, and various other uneventful rides. I went on Superman a total of what I believe is 15 times (It might've been more - I lost count), and most of the others at least 5 times as well.

I absolutely loved going to six flags and CANNOT WAIT to do it again next year! cya at the SC meeting most of you tomorrow!

Kudos, Robomaster.


Liz Hill said...

where you for or against green cheese on the moon?

The Ordinary said...

It was awesome wasnt it?

oh and its 15 now eh? in the car you said 13. StevyO told me it was more like 11-12.

Anonymous said...

TOTALLY for it! I think I won, too. (Man, that evidence at the end - My strong points about the extinct space monkeys and bob and all that...totally awesome!)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Actually RG,

Stevo and Nat were waiting in line to get the front seat, but me and Soph just got 3rd to front so we got to go a extra 3 times without getting off before they even got on once...And then later we swapped with them and got front seat a couple times.

Liz Hill said...

or....it could be that everyone is a liar.... death to the traitors!!

The Ordinary said...

oh hush john
thats cool Robert.

and now your copyin me! Im the one who has called StevyO StevyO for years!

Monica T. said...

If the moon is made of green cheese then why doesn't it look green at night?? Do explain.

The Ordinary said...

Well you see, a slight refraction of the suns rays hits the moon at such an angle that it causes the triangular hypotonoose to shift 30 degrees to the left By the mutiplication of A over Q, Which signifies the purple intensity of orange. That light ray is in turn instituted with a greyish amplification, causing the green cheese to appear yellowish. Simple as that

OOOOORRR Maybe the moon is just wearing one big colored contact. Or maybe its not made of green cheese after all.

Jim Linn said...

If the moon was made of green cheese how would astronauts be able to land on it? And if they did why didn't they bring back cheese for us to eat?

Joanna said...

Oh, go dad!
And, Six flags was amazing!
I'm working on posting the Cotton Eyed Joe video on flickr...

Anonymous said...

It's actually quite simple Mr. Linn and Monica - The space monkeys covered the moon with rock to keep the green cheese to themselves. They unfortunately all died off of cheese poisoning a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

Well then how come the moon doesn't fall apart because it is made of cheese???

The unknown wanderer!

Anonymous said...

Hmm...now that I think about it, it probably stays together because of gravity...

nat said...

and concerning six flags...the only reason i didn't go on superman more than 10-11 times is because i was really tired and i was getting a headache from the rattling rollercoasters. :D but the front seat is sure worth the wait!!

*Unknown*Wanderer* said...

I went on the front row a bunch of times and it was sweeet!


Liz Hill said...

robert b.="unknown wanderer"

Anonymous said...

John, that equation is brilliant. Except it's more like -

Robert B. + Robert G. * Cody B. / Nat S. - Sophia K. = "Unknown Wanderer"

Admit it, you guys.

nat said...

what's with the odd math problem? ;D

and i am not the anonymous person just so ya know

Anonymous said...

Then it's definitely Robert G.

Meghan said...

yo dudes! Robert, first of all, the Wild One is SO not scary - or gigantic, or terrifying, or whatever else you have to say about it. Compared to some of the other rides it's just plain tame! :) But seriously, Six Flags was AWESOME!

Meghan said...

btw, M is Meghan

Anonymous said...

"Robert, first of all, the Wild One is SO not scary"

I know, it's just that it was my very first ride! I don't think it is at all anymore - in fact, Superman isn't even scary anymore. Wah, there's no more "I'm gonna DIE!" feeling... ;-)

natalie said...

i know seriously!!

and meg, the only reason why i really DO NOT LIKE the wild one is because it gets so rickety after a while that it gives you a HUGE headache...and the seat bars on it don't go down super much.